So I set myself a goal last September, I wanted to lose 13% of my body weight.  An arbitrary number that was equal to 32 and change pounds.  Not impossible - actually easily attainable with minor lifestyle changes.   And for the most part, it has been a downward trend on the scale.   I actually managed to dip as low as 20.25 pound lower for about 4 days earlier this year.  And it looked good until the last 2 weeks.

I plateaued for an extended length of time; I went up and down by 2 pounds for a week. Then last Friday I started trending UP .... UP ... UP!  And then yesterday I weighed in at 237.9 pounds; YIKES!   Now it is still a ways off to the 250 where I started.  But it needed to STOP!   This morning, I am happily down 1.5 pounds from yesterday.    Today I am eating the "Right Stuff" and I will meet up with a friend for a walk this evening - most likely 5km.   I will renew my commitment to not self-sabotaging my own goals.   I will ensure that I am getting in my exercise and not grazing after dark.    

I have 81 days to make it to my goal weight of 217.5 pounds.     Eleven weeks and change to lose  nineteen pounds.   And while this goal is completely attainable, it will involve vigilance  and  consistent effort.    ...  Now, is the time.