So last week was Easter and I posted something I will share with you.   And then I will add today's thoughts.


I need to tell you something, it is something that I need to say. I normally wouldn't express this stuff .... but today I think that it should be spoken into the universe - into existence.

I miss you! I miss seeing your face, I miss hearing your voice. I miss the scent of you on the air, I miss your energy as our souls overlap in the course of our day-to-day ... busy-ness. I also miss how it feels when you collectively experience anything other than apprehension and fear. I miss you in ways many will never understand. And know that I miss many of you who do not truly know how much I admire, respect, value, and or love you.

But more than I miss your company,. I LOVE YOU

Let me repeat that because I cannot say that enough. I LOVE YOU - and because of that, I will gladly endure the solitude. I will endure the relentless waves of the collective fear, anger, and apprehension that crash against the rocky shore at the base of the tower of my psychic fortifications. Because I love you I want to continue missing you in the short term so that when this has passed - and this will pass - I can continue to to enjoy having you in my world for decades to come.

I miss you and I Love You and I hope this message finds its way to you and finds you well I encourage you to remember how important it is to tell the people who matter that they are precious to you. Today is a good day to do that.

BE WELL; know that you are loved. Consider yourself hugged.