"Man, your time is sand; your ways are leaves upon the sea ...". I AM ...
We, the people, ... expect preferential treatment. Mankind will never understand what equality is, because no individual is capable of putting aside their own specific wants/needs/expectations .... to achieve that end. And so inequity will always rule in this existence. Yes we will espouse our belief and desire for that ideal. But our own collective actions will prove us liars & hypocrites.
Accommodating every conceivable possibility has cost untold millions, if not billions, but we have not met expectations yet. And every day someone else stands up an screams "What About Me; What About My Needs!" How many of those voices crying out in the wilderness have forgone a day's meals, or even a single meal in solidarity with the person who will DIE of starvation TODAY? When was the last time that YOU did?
Society wants what they want, but only when somebody else is responsible for making it happen.
What earth needs is an apocalypse - a cleansing of the human infestation. I make a point of trying to not look past the veil of time these days. Linear time time is so comfortable, until you notice that your allotment is running out. In the mean time ... what have you done to lighten the load of those who suffer so that you can live in comfort? Are you your brother/sister's keeper? And if you can find no comfort in those thoughts ... be not afraid - for we are all simply manifestations of GOD's dreams as he/she/it/ I AM/WAS/WILL BE remembers all that ever was.