So I awoke this morning to the news that Stephen Hawking had passed away.    Oh, and I had forgotten to adjust my clock before I retired last night so I gave someone a wake up call that was an hour late.   In my defence, I had not been home since the time change & as I am in the habit of changing all the clocks that do not self-adjust on the evening of the change before bed ... it was an simple oversight.  I was  laughed at and  forgiven - in that order.

Now since it is PI-DAY, and one of the more respected minds has left us ... I thought of a lost friend.   I make a point of leaving her alone for the most part these days.  But I fired off an email to the last email address that I have for her letting her know that there are still days when I miss her company.   Tonight I will make a point of spending time with friends that want to participate in my life, and at some point today I will phone my mother and remind her that I love her.    IF you have not made time lately, I urge you to fit it in  .... Hug Your Kids; Phone Your People; Make Time For That Coffee  .... because even the smartest of us will run out of time with things left on our To Do Lists.    

