Not for anything good, but to be unforgettable all the same. Too many people have died already and it just keeps coming. I grow weary of this crap.
I miss having a choice of whether I want to associate with people or not. I miss being able to go out and sit and watch the world go by ... without having to watch people all consumed with fear for their lives. And I absolutely loath the morons who minimize the danger because they cannot conceive of how they might cause someone else to die. In their mortal shells they do not remember how that kind of behaviour will affect their soul going forward.
I think of the Marley character in the book "The Christmas Carol" .... dragging his chains .... and I look around me and I watch as all the little people go about their shallow lives forging their own chains. And I ponder how heavy mins is already and how much more it will weigh on the day I take it up to carry through eternity.
I am tired.