Rob Ford that is. Have you slapped a Beaver lately? Just in Beaver that is? Because I heard on the news the other day that his grandfather was defending his behaviour ... which is to say that not only does this man believe that his grandson is not a moral failure but that neither he nor his son are failures as parents.
Because that is the truth of the matter. The grandfather failed to instill a sense of decency & integrity in his son ... who in turn did not have the tools, skills or intelligence to instill those values in his child. So when you add in the immature mother who also has no sense of decency ... you get what? A Criminal.
But what about Toronto's mayor - yes Smokey The Mayor. He comes from the privileged; and no matter how much the Jamaican community wants to believe that he is "one of them" ... He is just a parasite feeding on their need to be equal. And obviously he is feeding well. Unfortunately, new Canadians are still gullible enough to think that a politician is going to do what they say they will do. Politicians and teen aged boys have one thing in common. They will say anything to get you to put it in your mouth ... and in the end you won't like how it tastes/turns out.