Images from the Bonavista; the, town, museum and Ryan Premises
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- Category: What Do You Want From Life?
- Hits: 1061
Officially, winter begins with the sun crossing an arbitrary line on the globe. However, here in Canada, winter begins whenever people think it does. They seem to think that winter is when there is snow ... and this morning we have plenty of that. Not much else has changed. We still have a prime minister who wants us to believe that he is as innocent as Dick Nixon wanted us to believe he had been. We still have that mayor in that other town who likes to get drunk, and maybe do some drugs, but doesn't have an addiction problem. I am still injured & not running. But we have plenty of snow. And so all the social media noise will be about winter ....
If you are suffering from a massive inundation of snow, please exercise caution. This (at least here in Ottawa) is the kind of snow that causes heart attacks. Not to mention that no matter how long you have been driving in the stuff ... many people forget that it adversely affects the road conditions. Be careful out there, but also be proactive. Clear ALL the snow from your vehicle before you drive it REPEAT: ALL THE SNOW!!!!! Use snow tires; yes I know that someone sold you on All-Season tires but you bought into a lie. Now go buy snow tires and have them installed ... keep your other tires for after the snow melts again. Ensure your vehicle is in good working order ... ALL Lights, windshield wipers & fluid & pump ... Brakes!!!! And when all that is good to go, before you head out on the road, put some extra gear into the trunk.
- blanket (Mylar race blankets are good for this too)
- a shovel
- sand & salt or Ice Melter
- first aid kit (throw in some hand warmers )
- A towel (not the one that you keep with your toothbrush & hitchhikers guide)
- a snow brush
- a quality Ice Scraper
- one plastic tarp (you can use it to cover your windshield in a freezing rain but you should have a dry extra one in the trunk)
- flares & reflective road triangles (flares can be dangerous around vehicle accidents - use them only if absolutely necessary)
- a cell phone (with car charging adapter) ... it does not have to have a plan to dial 911
- food that will not spoil that can be eaten instantly and will give a person nutrition
- a bible or book of your choosing
- a flash light
Now you may think that is a lot of stuff, but I left off many things that I would suggest if you lived outside of a metropolitan area. Some of this stuff may just save a life ...
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- Category: What Do You Want From Life?
- Hits: 2799
So, last Thursday I woke up feeling like crap. I had had a sore throat for a day and now I am trying to get better. Thursday I tested negative, but symptomatically I was certain. I have three days of positive (haven't tested yet today) and I'm starting to run out of convienent food.
A lot of sleep ,.?. I hate the dizziness and headaches. I'm feeling better but oh so tired!
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- Category: What Do You Want From Life?
- Hits: 517
So I set myself a goal last September, I wanted to lose 13% of my body weight. An arbitrary number that was equal to 32 and change pounds. Not impossible - actually easily attainable with minor lifestyle changes. And for the most part, it has been a downward trend on the scale. I actually managed to dip as low as 20.25 pound lower for about 4 days earlier this year. And it looked good until the last 2 weeks.
I plateaued for an extended length of time; I went up and down by 2 pounds for a week. Then last Friday I started trending UP .... UP ... UP! And then yesterday I weighed in at 237.9 pounds; YIKES! Now it is still a ways off to the 250 where I started. But it needed to STOP! This morning, I am happily down 1.5 pounds from yesterday. Today I am eating the "Right Stuff" and I will meet up with a friend for a walk this evening - most likely 5km. I will renew my commitment to not self-sabotaging my own goals. I will ensure that I am getting in my exercise and not grazing after dark.
I have 81 days to make it to my goal weight of 217.5 pounds. Eleven weeks and change to lose nineteen pounds. And while this goal is completely attainable, it will involve vigilance and consistent effort. ... Now, is the time.
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- Category: What Do You Want From Life?
- Hits: 642
So yesterday I weighed in at 225 lbs; I believe that is the first time since I was on the way up that I have ever weighed that little. Today is a different story of course. I am back to 226.1 and while I wish that I had held on longer I am not worried. The current COVID Pandemic has been tough & I love to eat. I have been 226.1 for the better part of a week & the trend is overall downwards. This month the measurement of the belly to waist ratio was considerably different and I am pleased with the overall fat-loss pattern that is observable in my body. I see a slow (read: manageable/maintainable) pattern & I am satisfied. Not that I could not (1) put in more effort or (2) achieve faster results but I will stay the course. What began in September of 2018 was an attempt to lose 33.5 pounds (what was then 13% of my body weight) - yesterday I was 25 pounds lighter than the starting weight. I have a way to go yet but I need to remember that shortly after the COVID lockdown began I had slipped back up to 237.5 lbs ... before I caught myself and corrected some self-sabotaging patterns.
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- Category: What Do You Want From Life?
- Hits: 571
I recently participated in The Trapline Marathon, in Happy Valley Goose Bay, Labrador. It was sent small event but I would highly recommend it to others. The course is a point-to-point from Northwest River to Happy Valley Goose Bay along the highway. The road is open to traffic but the local drivers are exceptionally accommodating and polite.
It is a small event with 200 participants overall and only twenty in the actual marathon, this year. The half and the 10k were larger. There are few spectators but the ones you encounter are enthusiastic and the host communities are more than welcoming.
I was slightly surprised at how much money it cost to eat out in town, but I do not know why. It was no more expensive than a recent holiday in Halifax.
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- Category: What Do You Want From Life?
- Hits: 1109
Rob Ford that is. Have you slapped a Beaver lately? Just in Beaver that is? Because I heard on the news the other day that his grandfather was defending his behaviour ... which is to say that not only does this man believe that his grandson is not a moral failure but that neither he nor his son are failures as parents.
Because that is the truth of the matter. The grandfather failed to instill a sense of decency & integrity in his son ... who in turn did not have the tools, skills or intelligence to instill those values in his child. So when you add in the immature mother who also has no sense of decency ... you get what? A Criminal.
But what about Toronto's mayor - yes Smokey The Mayor. He comes from the privileged; and no matter how much the Jamaican community wants to believe that he is "one of them" ... He is just a parasite feeding on their need to be equal. And obviously he is feeding well. Unfortunately, new Canadians are still gullible enough to think that a politician is going to do what they say they will do. Politicians and teen aged boys have one thing in common. They will say anything to get you to put it in your mouth ... and in the end you won't like how it tastes/turns out.
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- Category: What Do You Want From Life?
- Hits: 995